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✅ Interview Ready
👨🏻‍💻 Technical Fundamentals
Quizzes & Assessments
Quizzes Técnicos

Entendiendo Quizzes

Un formato de entrevistas común es un "ping-pong" de preguntas o una conversación técnica. Se evalúa familiaridad con conceptos técnicos, experiencia y comunicación.

El video completo disponible en Interview Ready.

🔗 Recursos

🙋🏻‍♂️ ¿Cómo responder quizzes?

  • Sé breve
    • Respuestas largas muestran una falta de familiaridad con los conceptos, problemas con el idioma o problemas de comunicación.
  • Usá jargon (jerga) técnicamente correcta
    • Utilizar la terminología correcta es clave para dar una buena impresión. Si no sabés el término correcto, explicalo dando una definición.
    • No uses sustitutos o términos incorrectos si no sabés. (Ej. “arquitectura” por “organización de código”).
    • No uses buzzwords (palabras de moda) para implicar que sabés algo que en realidad no sabés.
  • Salteate lo que no sepas
    • Si algo no lo sabés decilo rápido y saltá a la siguiente pregunta.
    • Inventar respuestas esperando acertar es un motivo de descalificación inmediata.

🔄 Javascript Event Loop explicado

Javascript Event Loop explained - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ (opens in a new tab)

📋 Silver.dev Candidate Quiz

🧬 Computer Science

  • What is the Big O notation (worst-case complexity analysis)
    • What are the worst-case scenarios of the Array operations: get, push, delete
    • What are the worst-case scenarios of the Hash operations: get, push, delete
  • Trees & Graphs
    • What are common strategies to traverse/visit all the nodes on a tree structure?
  • And what about Graphs? What is functional programming? What are some advantages of imperative programming?

⚙️ Systems

  • What is a load balancer?
  • What is a CDN?
  • How would you implement caching for web application? What components or strategies would you consider?
  • What are Rest API and Graphql API? What are the trade-offs?
  • What is a relational database?
    • Why would you choose it over NoSQL alternatives?
    • What is Redis?
      • What are good use cases?
      • What are the limitations?
  • What is MongoDB
    • What are good use cases?
    • What are the limitations?
  • How do you scale up databases?
  • Distributed systems concepts
    • What is Fault Tolerance?
    • What is Redundancy?
    • What is Availability?

👮🏻‍♀️ Web Security

  • What is a CSRF attack and how to prevent it?
  • What is an XSS attack?
  • What is CORS?
  • What is a content security policy?
  • What is a DDOS attack? How can you prevent it?

⏱️ Performance

  • The website you are working on has degraded client-side performance. How would you measure and analyze this problem?
    • What are Web Vitals?
  • The website you are working on has degraded server-side performance. How would you measure and analyze this problem?

💻 Javascript Environments

  • What is a promise? How does it work internally?
  • What does Non-blocking IO mean in Node.js?
  • What is the Event Loop in Node.js?
  • What is a closure?
  • What is variable hoisting?
  • What is Currying from functional programming and what are possible use cases in Javascript?
  • What are Javascript Generators?
  • [Advanced] How does setTimeout work in the browser internally?
  • [Advanced] How could you implement meta-programming in Javascript?
  • [Advanced] What’s the difference between Javascript’s Map and WeakMap built-in structures?

⚛️ React

  • What is React Suspense?
  • What are React Server Components? Why would you use them?
  • What is prop drilling? How can you avoid it?
  • What are good use cases for React Refs?
  • How can you clean up a Component's side effects on dismount?
  • How do you render multiple applications on the same page? And what if they are hosted on different websites?